Sunday, January 2, 2011

It's day 2! We're still making progress

Hello All,

Well, it's January 2, 2011.  I am onto my 2nd day of resolutions here and ready to recount the day and see what I have accomplished.

Kyle -- Yesterday, Kyle wanted to go to IHOP but I really wasn't in the mood for their food so I promised him that we would go there for lunch after church today. So, we went there for pancakes after church. I hope keeping my word (which I usually do) and spending some quality time with him today before any stress could set in. Actually, it was a pretty stress free day mostly.  But, he chose the activity and we got to do it. He's bummed because his Rip Stick which he has wanted forever, has had about a month, got stolen yesterday. Every time we leave and he doesn't lock things up something gets taken.  Responsibility is hard to learn but I am hoping these lessons will teach him better than me. Now, 2 bikes and a rip stick. He's going to have to earn these thigns somehow.

We saw our good friends, Kirk and Ruby Whalum at Church today. It was nice to see them after several months. This is a great photo of them!  (This is my photo for today...remember I am trying to do the 365 project and photo and journal about it every day!)

As I just mentioned, we went to Church this a.m.  YEAH!  I did it! Even though I didn't got to bed until 4:00 a.m. I still made it up and went to church on time even.  It was a great sermon.  Ricky preached on John 11 about Lazurus raising from the dead.  He pointed out some things that were not typical.  The jist of the sermon was to believe that God is who HE says He is.  We are to do this even when we have not experienced Him in a certain way or when doubt rolls in and we think because we don't see the end we lose hope.  We don't need Hope we need God's Word, it is unfailing. It will not return Void.  His Word says, Greater is HE that is in ME than he who is in the world, and through my weakness,  in his power I am made strong. I don't need to be strong, in fact, he is stronger in my weakness because then it is ALL him.

I heard this "joke" sort of ...but more of a life lesson in a movie this week. The man goes begging to God every day, God, please let me win the lottery.  Every day he goes asking the same thing in desperation. The story goes, God finally, in his desperation says, "My child, will you please buy a lottery ticket."  How profound is that? We go and we ask God day by day for something. He is willing often and able...but we are not always ready for it.  Can you win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket? I say it would be nice but I don't buy them, so chances of me doing so would be slim.  What do you think about that story? What is your lottery ticket and what do you need to do to be ready to receive what you are asking for?

I also got my 2nd day of reading through the Bible chronologically done today.  Key verse to me today was Genesis 4:7, "sin is crouching at your door". Satan is always ready to walk in your home if you let him.  Good thing to ponder and remember as you or I am speaking of myself really, as I  make choices this week.

I didn't really actively do things in the other areas. Except, when we went to IHOP I had the egg substitute and turkey bacon. I bought some healthy food at the store. But, it's Sunday and the focus was on God and Kyle today. I think that's okay.  My son did do a load of laundry least something was done. :)

Okay, happy 2nd day of the New Year!



Saturday, January 1, 2011

Let's wrap this day up!

Hello Again,

Well,  I have been working about 3 hours or so on the living room dining area. Found about a huge garbage bag full of dirty clothes of my son's spread all over along with with the other evidence of his existence in the room.  But, one load is in the washer already and I will let him work on washing the rest of them this week after school and ensure he puts them up in his room!  I ordered some of those space bags online that you vacuum and they get really small. I hope they really work. I am counting on it!

Okay, here's the low down.

House --  worked 3 hours on the living room and dining room area.  Definitely not complete. However, I did get the dining room table cleared off. So, no more mail, no more craft more junk. Just the wrinkled table cloth and a candle arrangement and 2 place mats.  This may not look like any major accomplishment...however, you know not whence I came! :) Just trust me....I am happy with that.

Now what you can't see which I am not going to show you is that there are crates around the table piled high full of "stuff" that I have sorted through and still think I "NEED" so I get to this point and go, NOW WHAT?  I don't know where to put them. This house is not as big as it looks. But, the good news is as I go along each time I sort, I throw out more. So, what was 5 crates is 4 now.  What was 4 is 3 and I am hoping to keep going in this fashion until I am whittling down to the bare necessities.  So, look beyond the wrinkles on the table cloth and let me celebrate this small victory.

In true Francisco fashion, as I put anything remotely useful in the black trash bag, I hear that voice inside of me, "Oh, I could use that for...." or "My Mom would want that....." or "Look, at all this $$ I am throwing away...."  But I am biting my tongue and in it goes and tie it shut and quickly call for Kyle to take it outside!
My Dad and Grandmother are probably rolling over in their graves now...thinking they taught me better.  But, I have to cast away the old and try to create the new in many ways this year, day by day.  So, keep tuned. 

Kyle -- Well, I am not doing real good in this area today.  I get stressed when I try to clean out and throw away and find things he's broken or trash he has repeatedly left on the floor, etc.....I won't air ALL our dirty laundry! But, when I get stressed, I yell, more than usual, he shuts down, things don't go well.  I'm trying. It's just day one. I promise to do better tomorrow. I promise, Kyle, I do.  When I get off here we will go get something to eat and maybe a treat of some kind for his help.  Small steps! Our relationship is the most important thing to me. So, sometimes I let too much slide, or sometimes I am too strict. I am trying to find the balance, son. But, know there's nothing but love for you, nothing but!

Health -- I haven't eaten anything today and that probably isn't a good thing. So, I need to get some healthy food. We need to go Christmas shopping. My cleaning will have to be my movement today. We'll do better tomorrow in this area. 

God -- I have read Day of my Reading Plan. So, we are off to a good start.

Financial -- Well, I am not doing anything active in this area today except home and not out spending anymore money  that will take away from my savings or my goal to pay off bills. So, that's a good thing.  More stuff = more clutter so we don't need that.  But, I am going to invest in some organizing shelves or something.

Well, I have made progress today and that is SUCCESS in my book!

Thanks for checking in and keeping me on track! :)



It's a New Year! and I have resolutions!

Happy New Year Everyone!

I'ts January 1, 2011.  That seems so surreal. I can remember when the year 2000 seemed like fantasy.  I remember figuring out that meant I would be 37 years old when that year came around. Well, we're past that age now, aren't we? That seemed so old and so far away.  AWW numbers....wonderful things aren't they?  The sand is passing through. Sadly, I am getting to the age that parents, siblings, friends and their parents will pass on from this earth. I do not do well with death. I should be better with the losses...I've had many, and I know for the most part that most people I know are believers and have faith that they are now in the heavenly realms with our Heavenly Father. However, I still grieve and mourn greatly with each loss.  I guess my heart is heavy right now, as a dear friend, Sue, who I went to LCC with in 1981-1983 is in her final hours/days in a hospice. Cancer has consumed her body and she is ending her fight. I pray God, for peace, for her, her family, her friends. I pray for comfort for her that only YOU can give. God give it to her quickly and please take away her pain. Only you know if that is on this side of the heavens. I know if you wanted or it was in your plan, God, that you could heal her, you have done far greater and far lesser miracles, and if that is in your will, I know you can. But whatever, your will, Father, bring her peace and take away her pain. AMEN

Well, I have decided to revive this blog. It's a little dusty. But I have some goals for 2011 with an Action Plan for each one of them. I figure the more that I make them "public", the more I am going to follow them. But nonetheless, I am still going to chronicle my journey this year on this blog.

Here's my resolutions!

New Year’s Resolutions



Action Plan



I will have my house in order by the end of the year.

I will improve my house every (most) day in some way, e.g. load of laundry, sort out a basket and discard items, give things away


I will work to have a positive relationship with my son.

We will have one activity a week of “fun” together, no matter what is going on otherwise.


I will grow closer to God through this year.

I will attend Church and make relationships that help me with this goal.  I will read through the Bible in 2011.


I will continue to improve my financial status.

I will have all credit cards paid off by the end of 2011 or sooner.


I will improve my health this year.

I will lose at least 60 pounds by the end of 2011.
I will work out at least 2x per week.

I could probably work on some more but this will get me started, just a little bit! :)
Here's some tools I am going to use.  I am going to track my weight/health stuff on I have been using it since this summer.  I hav sort of "fell off the wagon" but I am getting back on. I had gained maybe 3 lbs back of what I lost the first part of the year, but thanks to the flu, I lost 5 pounds over the break so it's a jumpstart back into my regiment.  That's good though, it's motivational!  Plus the several pairs of pants I can't quite fit into yet that I bought on clearance already anticipating I am doing this!!!!  I put an average of 5 pounds a month. They say to lose in a healthy way you should lose 2 lbs. a week. Well, I decided that if I make my goal to be 1 per week plus 1 more per month, I should be able to obtain that. If I lose more, it's even better.

I am also using this tool  to help me keep on track for my Bible Reading.  It's way cool.  Go check it out!

But I am looking for successes this year and redefining what those successes are in order to have them. Sounds really good, today is Day 1...I hope this blog will help me keep going.  I really don't have any readers on this blog yet, but you never know. If I can motivate myself, fantastic....but if there is someone else I can motivate...even better!
Well, this is my crazy little plan for the year.  I will keep you updated!
Okay here's my 2011 beginning picture. What would it be without this! :)

My son and I at my sister's for Christmas

I will get cleaned up today and have my son take a picture of me standing full face.  But this is still okay for a starting reference!  I'm working on my house and I am not presentable for the world just yet, not even my blog that no one else is reading.  Someone might happen upon it.

Many blessings!


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dealing with the school year ending and NO AIR CONDITIONING!


Well, I thout I would try to get back to this blog of Daily Dealings. I don't exactly know how I feel about others actually reading this stuff.  I rather rant and rave and some might take offense. It might just disclose a little more than I want about myself to some. You know those comparmentalized versions of ourselves that we keep to share with this one or those but not those others, yes you do, don't pretend. If we're honest, there are very few we actually let our hair down with and let see the true and total self. Sad isn't it? Seee how most things can take me off on a tangent. Well, that's me and how my brain works. Complicated at best and really funny most of the time. Try having a conversation with me, drives many of my friends nuts! Probably comes from actually not having that many real conversations as well. I spend all day and all night with children. Very little time to talk to adults. So, watch out if you give me your undivided attention, you might just be saying, does she ever shut up. But it's decieving because mostly, yes, I am quiet in the still of my house. Now, I am not even going there ... my house .. no I am not. Except to say that .... the air is broke. And it is starting to heat up in here! It is something to DEAL WITH! It's awful really. And the summer is not really begun yet, imagine in a few more weeks. I don't know how we'll deal with that then. I think I might have to go buy a few window air conditioners and use them. Sad isn't it?  I just cannot explain that one any further.

Okay on to my other is ending! Yeah! What a blessing! Yet, before it can actualy happen, I have to finalize grades and clean up the room, and pack everything and yes, this is all while students are there! We get one partial day in our rooms with no children. :( The summer will be starting soon and I know it's going to go very fast. I hope to be dealing with the house and getting life in order in a number of ways.

I hope we can have some fun amidst all the work that needs to be done!

Until then, I am just continuing to deal with the daily stuff!



Thursday, July 30, 2009

My son, my heart!

Well, it wouldn't let me post this in the last post so I wanted to try again. This is one of my favorite pages I have made so far. The first image is suposed to be of Kyle...It's not working like I want! But anyway, his is my favorite I think and the second one is of my Mom, my sister, Ericka and I in Washington D.C. I really love the colors and the way that came out too. Let me know what you think of this.

Oh, and Happy Birthday Kamren! 19 Wow, time sure flies!

just dealing,


Getting back to it!

Hello All,

I know we are all dealing with the daily stuff but this is my blog, so, well, it's about me! I welcome your comments to hear about your daily dealings if you feel so inclined to share.

Getting back to it, what's that about? Well, that means a lot of things right now. Let's see where am I? Figuratively speaking of course. What am I getting back to? Well, this blog for one. I started in November 2008, posted once and then well, I didn't again. So, for one, I am getting back to the blog.

I am also getting back to scrap booking but now with an all new twist which I am really excited about which is digital scrap booking. The program I got, Scrapbook MAX let's you save your multiple page layouts as slideshows and videos. I made this for my Mom. Hope it works out okay's still loading...still! :) This was my first attempt! My Mom was very happy she said it almost mad her cry.

In 3 days, I am going to be getting back to work. Yes, the school year is starting again. I haven't even been to the school yet to start setting up my room. I have a mental block I think. But, it will have to become unblocked very soon because, I will be getting back to the school very soon. I should probably try to visit there today later...since it's 4:31 a.m. I need to be getting back to that school schedule. I have been sleeping. So, I am definitely hoping that I will be getting back to a sleep schedule that actually includes some sleep in it. Or I will be getting back to the doctor and finding out what I can do about that! :(

I also am going to be getting back to my relationship with Christ. It's been well, not my focus like it should. When you have the feeling that your Bible sitting on the table is "calling" out to you I am thinking that is a sure sign that I need to be getting back to that most important thing! I am excited because I think I have a church that will be a good fit for me and my son. I'll keep you posted....I'll post a dealing with the daily blog after I go and let you know what happens.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Today's Dealing

I tried to make it to a church today. I got up but when I needed to iron the jacket I wanted to wear it took me to the cleaning closet to try and find the new ironing board cover I know I have somewhere in this house. Well, it was a mess and about 30 minutes later after cleaning out the closet it was 15 minutes until church started. Needless to say, I didn't make it. But, I do have a cleaned out cleaning closet and one more bag of stuff is thrown out into the trash and that's one more bag of stuff decluttered from my house. I'm trying to declutter. I am throwing out anything I haven't touched in say a year, or two or three since I moved into this house. One room at a time. It is a formidable task and one I don't really like, well, that's not actually true...I do like getting uncluttered but I don't like doing it alone. It's a lot easier for me to have somenoe to keep me on task. See how I get sidetracked just trying to get this posted. Now, I am sidetracked into the fact that I have lived in Memphis, TN for 5 years now and I don't really have close friends that I could let the guard down to ask them to come over and help me while I declutter my house. I know I would let my sister help me and I would let Steffanie help me, she lives in Nashville. I would let Deb help me...bu there really aren't that many people that I could trust to let them know what life is really like for us behind these yellow shingled walls of the exterior of this house. Now I am getting a little personal. But, hey, who's going to read this anyway?

Tomorrow is 4 months since my Dad passed away. His birthday is also tomorrow. Not sure how I feel about that. It still seems so surreal because I drove home to see him and we said our goodbyes and he died. We buried him really quickly. Then we came back to Memphis. It's like, well he could still just be at his own house so far away ... it's easy to pretend. But then reality does hit when like yesterday, my son asked why the toilet wasn't filling up like it should...I said I don't know...then I thought about it....that's a question I would ask my Dad. I would call him and say, "Hey Dad, the toilet isn't filling up like it should. What should I do." and he'd tell me. When we lived close he'd come fix it for me. Until he got too sick to be able to do that too much. It's hard to see your parent and loved ones get sicker and sicker until they just aren't themselves anymore. I know it was even harder on my Mom. Tomorrow will be a Day to Deal with as well for an entirely different reason. I am going to have to think of a special way to remember my Dad tomorrow.

We took some Fall pictures today. Fall makes me happy. I love this time of year. I was born just a day or so before Fall began. I love the color changes and all the pretty leaves. It's just my favorite time of the year. It isn't as pretty down here in Memphis. I think because it doesn't stay as long. I think next weekend we are going to venture outside of Memphis for a little ways and see if we can discover some other beautiful fall places outside the city. That sounds like a nice little road trip. Maybe we'll take a picnic lunch and take the dog or maybe not! :) That sounds like something worthy to do to get out of the house and into nature and see God's beauty around us.

I was listening to some instrumental music yesterday. Actually some hymns. This was one of them: For the Beauty of the Earth.

The first version was written in 1838.

For the beauty of the earth

For the glory of the skies,

For the love which from our birth

Over and around us lies.
Lord of all,

to Thee we raise,

This our hymn of grateful praise.
For the beauty of each hour,

Of the day and of the night,

Hill and vale,

and tree and flower,

Sun and moon,

and stars of light.
For the joy of ear and eye,

For the heart and mind’s delight,

For the mystic harmony

Linking sense to sound and sight.
What are you thankful for today in the Beauty of the Earth created by our Heavenly Father? Raise your praises to the Father for the beauty of the hour sing your grateful hymn!
There is much to be thankful for. What are you grateful for today. Today I am grateful for the beauty of the earth and the joy it brings to me even on an otherwise sad and and melancholy day. Every day there is something you can be thankful for in it. For each day everyone is going through something and if nothing else you can be thankful that you are not going through what some others are going through...even if you don't know it. Think about it and then THANK HIM about it!
Many blessings, Dina