Sunday, January 2, 2011

It's day 2! We're still making progress

Hello All,

Well, it's January 2, 2011.  I am onto my 2nd day of resolutions here and ready to recount the day and see what I have accomplished.

Kyle -- Yesterday, Kyle wanted to go to IHOP but I really wasn't in the mood for their food so I promised him that we would go there for lunch after church today. So, we went there for pancakes after church. I hope keeping my word (which I usually do) and spending some quality time with him today before any stress could set in. Actually, it was a pretty stress free day mostly.  But, he chose the activity and we got to do it. He's bummed because his Rip Stick which he has wanted forever, has had about a month, got stolen yesterday. Every time we leave and he doesn't lock things up something gets taken.  Responsibility is hard to learn but I am hoping these lessons will teach him better than me. Now, 2 bikes and a rip stick. He's going to have to earn these thigns somehow.

We saw our good friends, Kirk and Ruby Whalum at Church today. It was nice to see them after several months. This is a great photo of them!  (This is my photo for today...remember I am trying to do the 365 project and photo and journal about it every day!)

As I just mentioned, we went to Church this a.m.  YEAH!  I did it! Even though I didn't got to bed until 4:00 a.m. I still made it up and went to church on time even.  It was a great sermon.  Ricky preached on John 11 about Lazurus raising from the dead.  He pointed out some things that were not typical.  The jist of the sermon was to believe that God is who HE says He is.  We are to do this even when we have not experienced Him in a certain way or when doubt rolls in and we think because we don't see the end we lose hope.  We don't need Hope we need God's Word, it is unfailing. It will not return Void.  His Word says, Greater is HE that is in ME than he who is in the world, and through my weakness,  in his power I am made strong. I don't need to be strong, in fact, he is stronger in my weakness because then it is ALL him.

I heard this "joke" sort of ...but more of a life lesson in a movie this week. The man goes begging to God every day, God, please let me win the lottery.  Every day he goes asking the same thing in desperation. The story goes, God finally, in his desperation says, "My child, will you please buy a lottery ticket."  How profound is that? We go and we ask God day by day for something. He is willing often and able...but we are not always ready for it.  Can you win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket? I say it would be nice but I don't buy them, so chances of me doing so would be slim.  What do you think about that story? What is your lottery ticket and what do you need to do to be ready to receive what you are asking for?

I also got my 2nd day of reading through the Bible chronologically done today.  Key verse to me today was Genesis 4:7, "sin is crouching at your door". Satan is always ready to walk in your home if you let him.  Good thing to ponder and remember as you or I am speaking of myself really, as I  make choices this week.

I didn't really actively do things in the other areas. Except, when we went to IHOP I had the egg substitute and turkey bacon. I bought some healthy food at the store. But, it's Sunday and the focus was on God and Kyle today. I think that's okay.  My son did do a load of laundry least something was done. :)

Okay, happy 2nd day of the New Year!



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